
Numéro 14 (1): 2017



Thierry POUCH

Politique agricole et capabilités : quel degré de compatibilité ?


Early awareness by famine in 1948 in India, Amartya Sen has produced many works on issues of social justice and economic ethics. “Capabilities” are of this view a flagship concept of his theory. The economist believes that the difficulties encountered by an individual to access to food that are not related to insufficient amounts of food. These difficulties are closely correlated to the institutional mechanisms that are intended to bring capacity to live better. Taking the food issue seriously, Sen said nothing on the way to reduce the constraints on the conditions of access to food. This article aims to see how the “capabilities” are compatible with the agricultural policy, and what is the degree of compatibility? Such an exercise has limits that it will bring to light.


Capabilities, Justice, Agricultural Policy


Introduire le concept de personne en économie ? Des capabilités au care : réciprocité et responsabilité


The concept of person has not been studied so far in economic. Instead the theory refers to an egoistic individual able to calculate and to predict the actions. Nevertheless, some recent studies (Loty et al. 2014; Ballet et al. 2014) have just intended to introduce the concept of person in economics. According to some authors, the person can be defined by its ability to assume its responsibilities, beyond Sen’s approach of capabilities. Others authors highlight a person’s dehumanization, and seek to complete the reconciliation of reason, morality, responsibility and freedom. These studies offer a methodological viewpoint and a way to re-humanize the person. However none explore the link to care as an ethics neither a more socio-economic approach that could challenge the hegemony of the market as an economic integration principle. This is precisely what we aim to do in this communication: we seek to develop our own definition of the personalist philosophy connected to the care in ethics and the vulnerability and aiming empowerment.


Capabilities, care, personalism, reciprocity,responsability.


Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise et identité du dirigeant : une réflexion sur les petits entrepreneurs en Afrique


This article applies the responsibility of the person to the case of small entreprises in Africa. The notion of identity is central to the analysis. Indeed it enables to understand that community involvement of managers is not primarily a strategic behavior but rather a way to be coherent with their practical identity. Senegal is an example of this. However this social responsibility of the person is different from social responsibility of large companies. It is therefore necessary to look at the consequences of social responsibility standards on the weakening of small entreprises. 


Africa, entreprise, identity, corporate social responsibility, Senegal.

Laurent PARROT

The Alliance to Innovation: Agro-ecological innovations, Alliance, and Agency


Agro-ecological innovations aim at promoting sustainable agricultural practices that have long term benefits. However, farmers rarely adopt beneficial innovations in agro-ecology despite expressing an understanding of the benefits and a desire to do so. It has been argued that the farmers lack sufficient knowledge to implement complex innovations. We believe that in many cases such knowledge is necessary, but is ultimately insufficient for complex innovation adoption. We argue that in addition to knowledge and a desire to adopt an innovation, many farmers require a collaborative relation with an ally. We call this method the Alliance Approach to innovation. This approach is modeled after the therapeutic Alliance Approach at work in cognitive and behavioral sciences. We argue that using the Alliance Approach will not only prove effective in helping farmers adopt complex agro-ecology innovations, but also a better fit for the human centered development of capability approach human development, as it is likely to enhance both the well-being and agency of the farmers.


Agency, Agro-ecology, Alliance Approach, Capability Approach, Human Dignity, Innovation, Soft Paternalism

Laurent PARROT

Pour une écologisation du concept de capabilité d’Amartya Sen


This article discusses the basic concepts of the theoretical framework developed by Amartya Sen and seeks to extend it to the question of the relationship to nature understood as biosphere, a theme left out by the author, who draws classically is demonstration on a Cartesian conception of nature. As the capability turns out to be a compound of the nature and artifice, the enlargement is possible. We conclude on the perspective of science habitats.


Capability, freedom, nature.

Patricia ROQUES

Peut-on dissocier consommation d’énergie et bien-être dans la cadre du logement ?


This article provides some ideas for exploring the relationship between energy This article provides some ideas to explore the relations between reduction of energy consumption and well-being from a typology of consumers elaborated in a rental social housing project object of thermal retrofit program. The capability approach in terms of analysis for an orientation either favorable or unfavorable to reduction energy consumption comes in coherence with the difference of type and enriches it by exceeding the contradiction enter on one hand social vulnerability and well-being disparities and on the other hand imperative reduction in energy consumption.


capability approach, classification, energy consumption, sustainable development, typology

Interview / Entrevue

Numéro 14 (2): 2017

Número completo

ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 14, No. 2, julio-diciembre 2017


Antonio D’AGATA

Agency, socially contemplated


Well-being and agency are the two pillars of the capability approach. In this paper we emphasize that a proper analysis of agency requires an explicit treatment of social interaction. We show that once agency is framed within an interactive context, the two dimensions of individual action are strongly intertwined. In addition, interdependency hints for collective behaviour, thus, developing an example introduced by Sen (1990), we provide a simple threshold model explaining labour market participation of women as an emergent phenomenon. The model is able to provide an alternative explanation of extreme variations of this phenomenon in culturally homogeneous areas.


Amartya Sen, well-being measurement, agency, capability, Workers, Women

Philippe ADAIR

Assesing how large is the market for prostitution in the European Union


Prostitution regimes in the EU-28 include prohibition, regulation and abolition; we tackle this typology from the perspective of both free sex work and forced labour, in order to gauge the magnitude of the European sex market as of 2010. We document the behaviour of customers on the demand-side for prostitution. Next, we address the supply-side, using HIV prevalence among sex workers to achieve a first series of two estimates. We design a second series of two estimates from miscellaneous sources (NGOS and the police). We investigate forced sexual labour trafficking, providing an additional series of estimates from the ILO and from Eurostat and UNODC. We check the magnitude of prostitution as regards employment figures and ranking with respect to the distribution of population in the EU countries. Thanks to an ordered probit, we test all five estimates; eventually, we come up with one best estimate (from HIV prevalence) that is also the lowest one.


European Union, informal employment, ordered probit, prostitution, sex work, victims of sexual exploitation trafficking

Leobardo  DE JESÚS

El enfoque de capabilidades y el programa de combate a la pobreza Prospera de México


En el presente artículo estudia como los programas de combate a la pobreza en México han integrado el enfoque de capabilidades. Se analizaron los resultados que arrojaron la aplicación de los programas instrumentados desde finales de la década de los ochenta, específicamente el Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (Pronasol), el Programa de Educación, Salud y Alimentación (Progresa) así como los programas Oportunidades y Prospera. En la segunda parte sugerimos como pueden mejorarse y hacerse más eficientes estos programas integrando la meta-capabilidad de agencia.


Amartya Sen, well-being, capability, Mexico, Public Policies, Poverty reduction policies, Prospera, Oportunidades, Impact evaluation

Michel DION

Le discours moral corporatif comme récit portant sur l’éthique organisationnelle. Une approche inspirée par la philosophie de Paul Ricoeur


As the narrative about organizational ethics, corporate moral discourse is characterized by three elements: (1) the act of telling organizational life, as it is determined by memory and promise; (2) the fore-understanding of organizational life and the re-presentation of moral consciousness; (3) the world-dream as a re-reading/re-writing of organizational life. Two business corporations have been chosen: Walt Disney (entertainment for children and families) and Abbott (drugs). In each case, we will analyze the corporate citizenship annual report and the corporate code of ethics. On one hand, Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic philosophy will be used in order to unveil to what extent corporate moral discourse presents itself as narrative. On the other hand, our analyzis of the two corporate citizenship reports will reveal that such reports do not mirror any existential questioning.


CSR; organizational ethics, Ricoeur

Matthias NEBEL

Midiendo la meta-capabilidad de agencia: base teórica para la creación de un indicador de responsabilidad


Amartia Sen ha construido su enfoque de capabilidades sobre la distinción existente entre libertad de agencia y libertad de bienestar. Este artículo propone entender la agencia como una meta-capabilidad: la capabilidad de valorar y elegir nuestra propia libertad. A continuación plantea entender la agencia como formada por las tres dimensiones de responsabilidad siguientes: ex–ante, ex–post y ex-aliud. Presenta luego un modelo teórico que nos permita medir niveles de capabilidad de agencia en el ámbito laboral.


Amartya Sen, well-being, agency, capability, meta-capability of agency, responsibility, well-being measurement, Mexico.

Matthias NEBEL

Medición de la meta capabilidad de agencia en el ámbito laboral


Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta-piloto de INEGI aplicada a más de 3200 hogares en toda la República Mexicana en junio del 2014. Esta buscaba enriquecer los datos de bienestar disponibles en México midiendo niveles de capabilidad de agencia en el ámbito laboral. La capabilidad de agencia fue tematizada a lo largo de tres dimensiones: responsabilidad ‘ex-post’ (que fluye de la acción hacia el sujeto), la responsabilidad ‘ex-ante’ (desde el sujeto hacia la acción), la responsabilidad ‘ex aliud’ (surge desde el otro). Estas tres dimensiones son medidas a dos niveles: a) el nivel individual (como valora y expresa esta forma de responsabilidad el individuo en este contexto); b) el nivel estructural (como valora y expresa el proceso productivo esta forma de responsabilidad). Los resultados muestran divergencias abismales entre niveles estructurales e individuales, dejando claro una de las causas importantes de ineficiencia económica y social del sector laboral mexicano. Permiten por otra parte poner de relieve el gap entre meta-discursos sobre responsabilidad y los niveles realmente alcanzados/sancionados de responsabilidad. Finalmente también desvela carencia muy fuerte de capabilidad de agencia como responsabilidad ex-post del trabajador, un hecho sumamente preocupante para la economía mexicana.


Meta-capability of agency, Responsibility, Well-being measurement, Capability measurement, Working environment, Workers, Mexico, INEGI.


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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