
Numéro 17 (1): 2020

Jérôme Ballet

Enero – Junio 2020


François-Régis MAHIEU

Le don pur et parfait


The gift, theorized by Marcel Mauss, has been mainly integrated into economics in its malevolent form. This is underlined by the economic theories of the political market, labor or charity market. This conception contrasts with the benevolent of altruism and the alternative aspect attributed to this practice in regard to the market. To better understand the impure gift, if not the malevolence, this article specifies the definition of a pure (donor) and perfect (recipient) gift. This reference situation implies rational and moral conditions.


Gift, Malevolence, Benevolence


Akerlof, G. A. (1982). Labor contracts as partial gift exchange. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 97(4), 543-569.

Andreoni, J. (1989). Giving with impure altruism: Applications to charity and Ricardian equivalence. Journal of political Economy, 97(6), 1447-1458.

Buchanan, J. M. (1975). The Samaritan’s Dilemma. In E. Phelps (ed), Altruism, Morality, and Economic Theory, London, Sage Foundation.

Doeringer, P. B., & Piore, M. J. (1985). Internal labor markets and manpower analysis. New York, Me Sharpe.

Kolm, S.C. (1984). La Bonne économie, la réciprocité générale. Paris, PUF.

Mauss, M. (1923). Essai sur le don forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques. L’Année sociologique (1896/1897-1924/1925), 1, 30-186.

Michel DION

La philosophie au secours des rapports de responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, ou comment dépasser les limites d’un discours «aphilosophique» sur la responsabilité : Deuxième Partie – Responsabilité et relations moi- autrui


Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas have been influenced by the Heideggerian Being-in-the-world. However, Buber’s philosophy as well as Levinas’ philosophy have given birth to new paths of humanizing the world, particularly business corporations, while requiring deep changes in the way the relational fabric of groups, organizations and social institutions is evolving. Buber and Levinas have emphasized the need to develop an authentic relation with radical otherness, starting with the existentiell positioning of being in-face-of-others. In doing so, Buber and Levinas have overcome the state of existential fallenness, while considering radical otherness as an unavoidable dimension of the in-the-worldliness.


Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas, Martin Heidegger, Responsibility, Otherness


The Fed as a moral enterprise – a framework for decision-making


Central bankers are currently rethinking the frameworks of monetary policy in light of the extreme disruptions and unprecedented policies of the Global Financial Crisis. The paper examines whether a rule based approach that incorporates moral considerations beyond economic utilitarianism could provide a more fair, effective and stable monetary system. It demonstrates that criticisms of Fed policies raise moral questions that reflect a widely held normative framework in the monetary arena. The paper abstracts from the criticisms and elaborates a pluralistic framework based in the work of moral philosopher W.D. Ross consisting of the basic duties of non-harm, beneficence, fidelity, justice, and reparation. It outlines a decision system that relies on moral intuition and strict attention to the facts to balance competing considerations and derive the duty to be followed in the particular circumstance.


Monetary Policy, Fed, W.D. Ross

John Francis DIAZ
Thanh Tung NGUYEN

Grey relational grades and neural networks : empirical evidence on vice funds


This research examines time-series predictability of Vice Funds Indices through the Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), and also applies three types of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model, namely, Backpropagation Perception Network (BPN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) to capture nonlinear tendencies of Vice Funds indices. The study finds that among the three ANN models, BPN has the best predicting power. When the data is separated into 10%, 33% and 50% testing data sets to test the proficiency of the available forecasting information in the timeseries of the predictors, the predictive power of the BPN model again dominated the findings 60% of the time. Traders, investors and fund manager can rely on BPN predicting power with large or even small data set. Nevertheless, the result also suggests the predicting power of both RNN and RBFNN model with smaller data sets. Overall, it is suggested that traders and fund managers have stronger chance of achieving more accurate forecasting using the BPN model in Vice Funds indices. Findings of this research have policy implications in the creation of forecasting and investing strategies by examining models that minimize errors in predicting Vice Funds indices.


Vice Funds Indices, Grey Relational Analysis, Artificial Neural Network

Miguel Ángel CARREÑO

La pobreza en México : evolución reciente, explicación y perspectivas.


Using a very important dimension of the capabilities approach, agency freedom, we want in this work to demonstrate that poverty in Mexico can be seen as a cause of the lack of agency freedom. For this we take as a proxy of agency freedom the responsibility in its three categories: The subsequent responsibility, the previous responsibility and the otherness responsibility. And as a poverty proxy the the labor trend index proposed by the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy in Mexico (CONEVAL). Using a MCO we show that the data is significant at the level of Federal Entities.


Agency, Poverty, Capabilities.


Blockchain technology and corporate governance: the issue of smart contracts – current perspectives and evolving concerns.


Traditional contracts are being replaced in an increasing number of instances by smart contracts that is, “decentralized agreements built in computer code and stored on a blockchain”, which are able to automatically execute the terms within the contract and control the relations between parties so that no further “explicit but redundant” negotiations are needed. This paper assesses current and evolving concerns regarding the adoption of blockchain technology in the areas of financial services, and corporate and public governance. The author evaluates the risks and benefits of the utilization of smart contracts and assesses their suitability (in terms of transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness) for use in the public services’ “space”. It concludes that while the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, great care should be exercised in terms of design and use because this is still a developing area in terms of both the technology itself and the regulatory environment.


Smart Contracts; Blockchain; Corporate Governance; Financial & Public Services

Numéro 17 (2): 2020

Jérôme Ballet

No. 2 Julio – Diciembre 2020



Agencia y pobreza por entidad federativa en México


In this work we try to contribute to the understanding of the causes of poverty in Mexico. We consider that it is a multidimensional phenomenon where not only material but also non-material variables are present. We highlight the importance of agency in the capabilities approach as a variable to explain poverty in Mexico. As an agency proxy, responsibility has been used in its three dimensions, responsibility after, before and towards others. To measure poverty, the deficiencies in health, education and housing space are used, based on two types of data: a) from the household survey and the special module of the 2014 work, and b) from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) of 2010 and 2016. Based on the exploratory analysis of spatial data, the existence of spatial autocorrelation and the existence of clusters of states whose poverty levels are associated with levels of responsibility are evaluated. The results indicate that the levels of total and moderate poverty can be explained by the previous responsibility of the labor context and by the lack of income, but not by extreme poverty.


Agency, Capabilities, poverty.

Alexandre BERTHE

Fondements normatifs des inégalités environnementales pour l’analyse économique : définition et enjeux


The article proposes a presentation of the different possible normative foundations for an economic analysis of environmental inequalities. For this purpose, the article begins by putting the analysis of inequalities in a context of fairness economics. Four different forms of environmental inequality that can provide a basis for the normative consideration of environmental inequalities in economics are then presented. Finally, the different trade-offs between this normative goal of justice and those concerning other valuable aspects of a society are presented. All in all, the article provides a guide for the economic analysis of environmental inequalities from a normative perspective.


environmental inequalities, environmental justice, norms, principles of justice, fairness economics

Michel DION

La philosophie au secours des rapports de responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, ou comment dépasser les limites d’un discours «aphilosophique» sur la responsabilité. Troisième partie. Responsabilité et délibération morale


Habermas’ ethics of discussion can be used for developing moral deliberation processes in the organizational setting. However, it can be a great challenge to put its main principles into practice, at least between internal and external stakeholders of a given organization. The Habermassian ethics of discussion avoids the trap of a priori universalization of moral norms. Nonetheless, it must also avoid implicit power games that could undermine any consensus among organizational members. We need to identify such interpretative traps that can reduce our capacity to launch an Habermassian process of moral deliberation within the organization. On the other hand, the Habermassian ethics of discussion can allow organizational members to redefine ethically focused corporate documents, especially corporate social responsibility/sustainability reports. Taking all stakeholders’ interests into account is not wishful thinking. Rather, it should imply an active and open discussion with internal and external stakeholders. The Habermassian ethics of discussion can allow organizational members to deepen the meaning and implications of their speech-acts about moral norms.


Jürgen Habermas, Moral deliberation, Responsibility


Risk perceptions among potential Airbnb hosts


Airbnb has taken advantage of recent technological advances to emerge as a disruptive innovation in the tourism and hotel industry. Attracting millions of customers annually, it is present in over 65,000 cities in 191 countries. Its rapid success has attracted research, most focused on guests and their intention to use or recommend the service. This study assesses perceived risk among Airbnb hosts, focusing on hosts’ perception of risks related to services offered, finances, safety and security, and psychological, political, and privacy issues. Ease of use is considered among factors that determine hosts’ adoption intention. A survey of young adults in Dubai revealed a positive correlation between adoption intention and financial risk and time concern, and a negative correlation between safety and security risk, psychological, political, privacy risks, ease of adoption, and adoption intention. This study informs Airbnb management of concerns that might affect business continuity and recommends strategies to address the issues.


Adaptation, Innovation, Research, Sci Tech, Scientific, Technical, Technology

Interview / Entrevue


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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