
Número 18 (2): 2021

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González

Miguel Cruz Vásquez

María Teresa Herrera

Jérôme Ballet

Kevin Lompo

Mathias Nebel

Patrizio Piraino

Shashi Motilal

Ethics, Economics and Common Good, n. 18, Jul-Dec 2021


In this article, some ambiguities of five styles of leadership (authentic leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership, ethical leadership, spiritual leadership) will be analyzed. Two types of ambiguities have been described while referring to Paul Ricoeur’s distinction between morality and ethics: the ambiguity related to the grounds of the moral action (emphasis on moral normativity: Kant) and the ambiguity related to the moral optimality of the action (emphasis on the ethical aim of a good life and just institutions: Aristotle). Two styles of leadership have shown only one type of ambiguities: the servant leadership (axiological ambiguity) and the spiritual leadership (normative ambiguity). In the other three styles of leadership, both types of ambiguities were involved.


López Obrador, A. M. (2021a). Versión estenográfica. Conferencia de prensa del presidente Andrés López Obrador del 29 de noviembre de 2021.

López Obrador, A. M. (2021b). Versión estenográfica. Conferencia de prensa del presidente Andrés López Obrador del dos de diciembre de 2021. Recuperada el 2 de diciembre.

Nebel, M. (2018). Operacionalizar el bien común. Teoría, vocabulario y medición. Metafísica y Persona. Filosofía, conocimiento y vida, 10 (20), julio-diciembre, pp. 27-66.

Nussbaum, M. (2010). Not for profit: why democracies need humanities. Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press. Sandel, M. J. (2020).

La tiranía del mérito: ¿ Qué ha sido del bien común? México: Debate. Sen A. (2000). Merit and Justice. En: Arrow KJ, et al. Meritocracy and Economic Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Tabla de contenido


Michel Dion

Les ambiguïtés axiologiques et normatives du leadership


In this article, some ambiguities of five styles of leadership (authentic leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership, ethical leadership, spiritual leadership) will be analyzed. Two types of ambiguities have been described while referring to Paul Ricoeur’s distinction between morality and ethics: the ambiguity related to the grounds of the moral action (emphasis on moral normativity: Kant) and the ambiguity related to the moral optimality of the action (emphasis on the ethical aim of a good life and just institutions: Aristotle). Two styles of leadership have shown only one type of ambiguities: the servant leadership (axiological ambiguity) and the spiritual leadership (normative ambiguity). In the other three styles of leadership, both types of ambiguities were involved.

Cynthia M. Montaudon Tomas

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González

Ingrid N. Pinto López

Claudia Malcón Cervera

Identifying the Theoretical Foundations for Common Good Leadership


Scarcity in writings regarding common good leadership calls for a review of existing documents to help establish a connection between the common good and leadership
literature. The method for this article included a literature review and content analysis.
In order to identify the theoretical foundations for common good leadership, interactions between the fields of common good and leadership were established. Leadership styles associated with the common good were mapped, along with their most relevant characteristics, specifically traits, and skills of potential common good leaders. The
article provides an integrative definition of common good leadership that intertwines
basic assumptions of the notions of common good and main leadership characteristics.
This is the first time that a definition for common good leadership has been provided.


Common good leadership, Theories, Styles, Definition

Claudia Malcón Cervera

Cynthia M. Montaudon Tomas

Ingrid N. Pinto López

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González

Design and Validation of a Scale to Evaluate Common Good Leadership


This article shows the design and validation of a scale to measure common good leadership. The scale was developed by identifying and incorporating traits and skills or different leadership styles associated with the common good. The Common Good Leadership Scale (CGLS) is developed using gap analysis to reduce the possibility of
overconfidence bias. The process of scale design and development is described. Items
analyze the ideals regarding common good leadership and specific actions that are
performed in an attempt to achieve the common good. The gap is obtained by subtracting
the actions minus the ideals, providing valuable information about the leadership traits
and skills that need to be developed. Different tests were performed to ensure the validity
of the scale including factor analysis.


Common good leadership scale, Design, Validation

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González

Jana Mejía Toiber

Cynthia Montaudon Tomas

Claudia Malcón Cervera

Ingrid Pinto López

Leadership for the Common Good on Economic and Administrative Students in the State of Queretaro, Mexico.


The Technological University of Querétaro (UTEQ) is one of the most important schools
in the state of Querétaro in technological innovation training, educating the future
leaders who will lead the development of the state. In this sense, it is crucial to note the
necessity to improve the social development that guides leaders towards common good
actions. This research started by studying leadership characteristics for the common
good, resulting in 132 items clustered into an ideal state that indicates what the person
considers themselves to be and then the real state, in which a criterion associated with
concrete actions is established. Leadership for the common good is based on eleven
dimensions: Solidarity, Logic of the Gift, Self-Control, Collaboration, Sustainability,
Responsibility, Flourishing, Congruence, Resilience, Management, and Justice. A sample
of 465 students was obtained from UTEQ. The results showed that there is a positive
self-assessment in different dimensions of leadership for the common good; however, in a
more detailed analysis, it is shown that there is a gap between the ideal and the real item
scores, suggesting that positive self-assessment is not corresponding with concrete
actions, so leadership lacks practicality. Accordingly, it is essential to do longitudinal
research and establish a model to drive leadership for the common good at UTEQ.


Leadership for the Common Good, Technological Universities, Economic and Administrative
Students, actions for the common good.

Cynthia M. Montaudon Tomas

Ingrid N. Pinto López

Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González

Anna Amsler

Common Good Leadership in Business School Students at a Private University in Puebla, Mexico. Queretaro, Mexico.


This article presents a quantitative study to evaluate common good leadership in
business school students in a private university in Puebla, Mexico. UPAEP University
has recently developed a new educational model with common good pedagogy as its
core. The study conducted was non-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive. The
application of the Common Good Leadership Scale (GCLS), based on the SERVQUAL
methodology, was used to collect information regarding the ideals of common good
leadership and the real actions that students have performed. In all, 716 responses were
obtained. Results show a gap between what students consider should be in the interest of
the common good and what they do to achieve it. The most significant differences can be
found in the resilience dimension.


Business school students, leadership for the common good, scale.

Mathias Nebel

A Common Good Approach to Structural Forms of Poverty


This article claims that structural forms of poverty are better understood not from the perspective of individual based statistics but from a lack of a specific set of common goods. The meaning and value given by a society to this set is therefore crucial and points toward the cultural and ethical elements of poverty.
I will further argue that this approach may help identify the key elements of structural forms of poverty, that is, the features controlling the negative dynamic of wicked social subsystems.


Development Ethics, Multidimensional poverty, Community based development programs,
Common good approach to development.


Juan Pablo Aranda

Tres visiones de la excelencia: a propósito de The Tyranny of Merit
de Michael Sandel


This paper asks about the idea of excellence in democratic societies in light of a critical review of Michael Sandel’s latest work, The Tyranny of Merit. I propose that Sandel’s relative silence on excellence should not be interpreted as suggesting that excellence
is antithetical to democracy when, in fact, it is absolutely necessary to it.
Excellence, when understood from a non-meritocratic-economic perspective, is the engine of creativity, of criticism and discussion, of change, elements without which democracy stagnates in a status quo that ends up reifying the majority opinion, crushing difference and the right to dissent. Likewise, I suggest that the thought of Alexis de Tocqueville integrates, on the one hand, the Christian notion of excellence as donation and dedication for the common good and, on the other, Nietzsche’s critique of modernity, demanding a type of excellence that restores the sublime to its place in democratic societies.

Pedro Flores Crespo

Universidad y bien común: Breve crítica a la tiranía del mérito de


Social and individual rewards are determined, to some extent, by the way
in which a particular society works. Under this context, universities play a
key role when they select young people through merit-based mechanisms. A talented student is expected to become a conscientious and responsible professional. However, what happens when someone assumes that their success is only a product of their own
talent? Michael J. Sandel addresses this question. The “tyranny of merit” may emerge. Despite his articulate critique, Sandel fails to discuss more deeply what would happen when a society rewards its individuals through antimeritocratic rules. This is discussed here by taking Mexico’s educational system as an example, with the aim of continuing a reasoned discussion.


Mérito, universidad, bien común, Michael Sandel, agencia humana.

Book review

Patrick Riordan SJ

Sandel, M., The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? UK: ALLAN LANE, 2020, 272 PP Sandell


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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