
Numéro 2 (1): 2004


Pascal De DECKER

Bad news for satisfied tenants: On the social construction of social rented housing as dreadful enclosures


As long as the social rented sector – which comprised 6% of the housing stock – housed traditional families and the allocation procedures were rather loose, little commotion came about. A combination of changes in family structures (leading to the in stream of ethnic minorities), economic changes (leading to the in stream of poor people), and the strengthening of allocation procedures towards those most in need, did change perceptions. Marginalisation and ghettoisation became during the 1990s the buzzwords when talking and writing about social rented housing. In this article, we will explain the background of the scapegoat trends and the possible consequences for social tenants in particular and for the social rental housing in general.


‘Bringing the Middle Classes Back In’: An Egalitarian Case for (Truly) Universal Public Services


Some egalitarians argue against public services that are free for all, on the grounds that free access appears to primarily benefit the middle classes. I advocate, instead, the inclusion of the middle classes in public services, arguing that only truly universal intake of public services prevents the inegalitarian effects of economic segregation. Such universal participation in public services is achieved, partly, through subsidies for, and regulation of, privately produced services.

Patrick TURMEL

Justice coopérative et gratuité des transports en commun


Cooperative Justice and Free Public Transit – Urban transportation is a central issue for theories of urban justice. The current car culture is unjust because it discriminates against those who cannot afford to be a part of it, and it is inefficient because it creates a collectively disadvantageous situation. In this paper, I will first argue that public policies should encourage a modal transfer from car to public transit. Drawing on a theory of cooperative justice, I will then argue that free public transit is mutually advantageous and can be defended from both the perspectives of equality and efficiency.

Frédéric VARONE

L’accès gratuit à l’eau potable bénéficie-t-il nécessairement au plus défavorisé ? Une discussion critique à l’aune du cas de la Flandre


This article discusses the 1997 Flemish reform in the domestic water sector (Belgium). It abolished a previously existing social correction of the wastewater charge. Instead, a tax exemption for some disadvantaged categories was introduced. Moreover, water consumers receive 15 m3 of drinking-water per person per year for free. This policy change was assumed to contribute better to social equity. However, the reform led to changes in the drinking water tariffs by the water companies. Furthermore, a study conducted by Van Humbeeck (1998) shows that the distributive impact of the new water regulation is negative. As a matter of fact, the water reform increased the regressivity of the total wastewater and drinking water expenses. The Flemish example shows that ex ante evaluation of any reform of public services is a prerequisite for more social justice in the provision of basic goods to underprivileged citizens.

Pierre-Yves NÉRON

Fabrice FLIPO

La question de l’équité dans le cas du changement climatique


L’équité apparaît aujourd’hui comme l’un des enjeux majeurs de la négociation sur le changement climatique. Cet article procède à un état des lieux des négociations et de la question de l’équité. Le débat est actuellement confiné dans les approches économiques, qui le posent en termes de répartition des droits à émettre les gaz à effet de serre (“ partage du fardeau ”). L’article montre ensuite les insuffisances du débat actuel, qui tient essentiellement en trois points: l’étroitesse et les présupposés du point de vue économique dominant, la non prise en compte des analyses venant d’autres domaines que l’analyse économique, et l’oubli du contexte historique et conceptuel dans lequel se pose le problème. Nous tentons de montrer qu’il y a urgence à élargir le débat et penser le problème en termes de définition commune d’un projet global. La question du changement climatique ne peut pas être résolue par la seule convention climat. Nous concluons en évoquant ce que pourrait être un régime international impliquant les pays en développement.

Augendra BHUKUTH

Le Travail des Enfants : Une Revue de la Littérature Economique Récente


In this article, we analyse the different economic theories surrounding child labour. We distinguish two different analyses of child labour. The first analysis referring to poverty, studies the impacts on the household well being of a parental decisions’ to put the child in work. In fact, poverty is the main factor explaining child labour. In this approach the household trades-off between offering leisure to children or to put them in the labour market regarding to parental income. In the second approach, the trade-off is not between leisure and child labour, but between education and child labour. According to this approach, child labour is not solely a factor of poverty but also a factor of the imperfection of the capital market. The decision to put children in the labour market has an impact of their well being. These two approaches show that child labour leads to a poverty trap.


Paying for Higher Education: Are Top-Up Fees Fair?


This paper considers four institutional models for funding higher education in the light of principles of fairness and meritocracy, with particular reference to the debate in the UK over ‘top-up fees’. It concludes that, under certain plausible but unproven assumptions, the model the UK government has adopted is fairer and more meritocratic than alternatives, including, surprisingly, the Graduate Tax.


Well-Being Freedom and The Possibility of Public-Provision Unit in Global Context


The purpose of this paper is, first, to investigate the interconnections of substantive freedoms, which are indispensable for every individual to “lead the kind of lives they have reason to value” (Sen, 1999b, p.10,18), and which have legitimate and ethical reasons to be publicly secured, second, to investigate a conception of public-provision unit that embodies “the right to well-being freedom”, and a conception of decision-making unit that corresponds to it, based on the perspective of Sen’s capability theory and its extension, comparing with that of Rawls’ Theory of Justice and A Law of People. If we intend to construct such a public-provision unit, which conducts redistribution as a whole, and which receives every individual who cannot belong to any fixed local group, what kind of a body should we assume as a public-provision unit? And further, what kind of a body should we assume as a decision-making unit, which is responsible for deciding or revising the basic conceptions of public provision unit?.


Freedom, capability, needs, responsibility, agreement, incompleteness.

Interview / Entrevue

Comptes rendus / Book reviews

Numéro 2 (2): 2004


Daniel ATTAS

A moral Skateholder Theory of the Firm


To be a coherent and genuinely alternative conception to the shareholder model, any moral stakeholder theory must meet the following conditions: (1) It must be an ethical theory; (2) It must identify a limited group as stakeholders; (3) The group must be identified on morally relevant grounds; (4) Stakeholder claims must be non-universal; (5) And not held against everyone. A principle for identifying the stakeholder is suggested as a person who has much to lose – financially, socially, or psychologically – by the failure of the firm. The emerging picture contrasts sharply with the conventional conception of the firm.

Damien BAZIN 

A Reading of the conception of man in Hans Jonas’works: Between Nature and Responsability. An Enviromental Ethics Approach


Hans Jonas is considered one of the principal leaders of the ecological doctrine that fights against the hegemony of technical power upon society. We will study the conception of man in Jonas’ ideology through the lens of nature and of responsibility. He brandishes the specter of disaster (“heuristics of fear”) as a guard against technological excesses. He appeals to a prospective, universal and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. Jonas considers responsibility as a method of anticipating the threat to that which is vulnerable, ephemeral, and perishable. Thus, the responsibility that Jonas decrees implies an ethics of conservation. Jonas’ writings aim to procure a new dimension of acting, which necessitates an ethics of foresight and responsibility.


Ecology – Ethics – Nature – Ontology – Responsibility – Technique.

François BLAIS

An Egalitarian Argument in Favour of Free Access to Healthcare and Rationing


La pensée égalitariste a traditionnellement promu l’idéal d’un système de santé universel, gratuit et accessible à tous les membres de la société. J’appuie cette position en répliquant tout d’abord à la critique qui prétend que les riches tireraient plus d’avantages que les pauvres de la gratuité du système de santé. J’ouvre ensuite la réflexion sur ce qui me semble être un enjeu crucial pour l’avenir des systèmes modernes de santé : le rationnement de l’offre. Cette idée ne plaît généralement pas à la population, aux décideurs politiques et à de nombreux égalitaristes. Je considère pourtant que les principaux arguments invoqués contre le rationnement sont incohérents ou faussement égalitaristes. La gratuité des services de santé n’est pas incompatible avec la limitation de l’offre publique.

Marie Claude COUTURIER

Bombardier et la responsabilité sociale du Ski-Doo


Hans Jonas is considered one of the principal leaders of the ecological doctrine that fights against the hegemony of technical power upon society. We will study the conception of man in Jonas’ ideology through the lens of nature and of responsibility. He brandishes the specter of disaster (“heuristics of fear”) as a guard against technological excesses. He appeals to a prospective, universal and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. Jonas considers responsibility as a method of anticipating the threat to that which is vulnerable, ephemeral, and perishable. Thus, the responsibility that Jonas decrees implies an ethics of conservation. Jonas’ writings aim to procure a new dimension of acting, which necessitates an ethics of foresight and responsibility.


Ecology – Ethics – Nature – Ontology – Responsibility – Technique.

Jeremy MOSS

Capabilities and Justice: Does personal responsibility for capabilities matter?


La pensée égalitariste a traditionnellement promu l’idéal d’un système de santé universel, gratuit et accessible à tous les membres de la société. J’appuie cette position en répliquant tout d’abord à la critique qui prétend que les riches tireraient plus d’avantages que les pauvres de la gratuité du système de santé. J’ouvre ensuite la réflexion sur ce qui me semble être un enjeu crucial pour l’avenir des systèmes modernes de santé : le rationnement de l’offre. Cette idée ne plaît généralement pas à la population, aux décideurs politiques et à de nombreux égalitaristes. Je considère pourtant que les principaux arguments invoqués contre le rationnement sont incohérents ou faussement égalitaristes. La gratuité des services de santé n’est pas incompatible avec la limitation de l’offre publique.


Responsabilité, Handicaps, Accidents et Opportunités sociales en Mauritanie


L’analyse économique des capabilités proposée par A. Sen ouvre la voie à une réflexion sur la pauvreté. Cependant, cette approche est insuffisante dans un cadre social où la responsabilité est primordiale. Cet article vise à montrer que la responsabilité est première. Elle se construit à partir de principes culturels et religieux qui déterminent à leur tour les mécanismes de redistributions et donc les inégalités. Dans un tel cadre, les opportunités sociales offertes aux individus découlent directement de leur statut social dans la société.

Jean-Michel BONVIN

Social Opportunities and Individual Responsibility: The Capability Approach and the Third Way


The fashionable widespreading of Sen’s ideas coincides with a new mood in the shaping of public policies in affluent societies. In Europe indeed, an “opportunity”-based approach to social security has been implemented through the European Employment Strategy. Public action tends to rely on a procedural concern with individual opportunities or potentialities in the labour market. The underlying ethics is that individuals are then responsible to use these background opportunities in order to lead the kind of life they value most. More broadly, the discourse and practice of the so-called “Third Way” shares with the capability approach an appeal for a procedural and enabling depiction of the role of the State. The paper intends to clarify the relation between procedural and opportunity-based approaches to social justice, among them the capability approach, and these new patterns of public action.

Alexander W. CAPPELEN

Two approaches to stakeholder identification


The paper presents two fundamentally different ways to approach the identification of stakeholders. The first is the relationship approach. According to this approach, special obligations arise between individuals or groups only if a specific relationship exists between them. The rival approach is the assignment approach. This approach challenges the claim that obligations only arise if a particular relationship exists between the company and a group. It holds that the distribution of responsibilities should be viewed as a set of pragmatic rules derived from general moral considerations. The paper discusses the extent to which these two approaches can justify the main features of the traditional stakeholder model.


What can the Stakeholder Theory Learn from Enron?


Roughly speaking, Enron has done for reflection on corporate governance what AIDS did for research on the immune system. So far, however, virtually all of this reflection on and subsequent reform of governance has come from those with a stake in the success of modern capitalism. This paper identifies a number of governance challenges for critics of capitalism, and in particular for those who urge corporations to voluntarily adopt missions of broader social responsibility and equal treatment for all stakeholder groups. I argue that by generally neglecting the governance relation between shareholders and senior managers, stakeholder theorists have underestimated the way in which shareholder-focused governance can be in the interests of all stakeholder groups. The enemy, if you will, is not capitalists (shareholders), but greedy, corrupt or incompetent managers. A second set of governance challenges for stakeholder theorists concerns their largely untested proposals for governance reforms that would require managers to act in the interests of all stakeholders and not just shareholders; in other words to treat shareholders as just another stakeholder group. I suggest that in such a governance regime it may be almost impossible to hold managers accountable to anyone – just as it was when state-owned enterprises were given “multi-stakeholder” mandates in the 1960s and 1970s.

Interview / Entrevue

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews


Roland Guillon: Les classes dirigeantes et l’université dans la mondialisation, Paris, L’harmattan, série Logiques sociales, 123 pages


Norman E. Bowie et Patricia H. Werhane: Management Ethics, Blackwell Publishing, série Foundations of Business Ethics, 159 pages


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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