
Numéro 5 (1): 2007



« Aide au développement et santé comme droit humain».


As health is more and more recognized as a « human right », we can wonder if this tendency leads to an important increase in foreign aid for health. We try to show that aid has been considered for a few years as a big stake for international security. This approach focused on security issues is a very narrow use of the concept of global public goods. As a consequence, infectious disease is the priority of health assistance and other sub-sectors generally considered pro-poor are loosing chare in health funding. This evolution raises questions about efficiency and ethics in the fund allocation. We outline a few perspectives for the use of a different theoretical background in the aid for health.


Development assistance, health, human right

D. Randall JENKINS

« Ordered model processes, reference declaration and the economic organization: implications for a balanced scorecard contextual framework».


Since its 1992 introduction, the Balanced Scorecard has received deserving accolades while academics continue investigating its pragmatic aspects. This paper contributes to the Balanced Scorecard literature, first, by proffering a logical explanation for its successful acclaim and, second, by setting forth an ordered management structure Balanced Scorecard contextual framework. The contextual framework reforms the Balanced Scorecard’s Learning and Growth Perspective by (i) effecting (subjective: objective) reference transition, and (ii) recognizing that the Learning and Growth Perspective involves first instance extra-entity strategy formulation incidence. The (intra-entity: extraentity) incidence shift reconciles unordered [Content: (Content: Context): Context] management policy position progression that is Learning and Growth Perspective concomitant. The framework also supplants the Kaplan and Norton Balanced Scorecard Perspectives with the missing social policy perspective. The missing perspective involves [(endogenous-position, exogenousperspective): (exogenous-position, exogenous-perspective)] objective reference transition. Such a transition signals ordered [Content: (Content: Context): Context] management policy position progression.


Social Choice Theory; Balanced Scorecard; Ordered Conflict Resolution; Contextual Framework; Ethics and Economics.



« Is microfinance an ethical way to provide financial services to the poor?»


Microfinance is increasingly seen as a major development tool. Its promise to help the poor by providing financial services is seen as the major reason for its support. Nevertheless, its ability to effectively reduce poverty is not yet clear, and it generates some unresolved ethical questions. These become even more prominent in the process of commercialization. The impact on poverty is usually measured in financial terms. In this paper, poverty is defined in a broader sense to include deficiency in human and social capital. The article shows that, in this broad sense, microfinance may have negative as well as positive effects on poverty.


Ethics, microfinance, commercialization, poverty


« Equality and Value-holism».


In this paper, I consider a recent challenge to egalitarianism raised by Michael Huemer. Huemer’s challenge takes the form of a dilemma: egalitarians can either be atomists or holists about equality’s value. If they are atomists, then they must accept that equality in fact does not have intrinsic value; if they are holists, then their view will be inconsistent with an intuitively very plausible form of consequentialism. I show that this dilemma should not trouble egalitarians. Egalitarians can be holists about value and still embrace consequentialism.


Equality; Value; Holism; Atomism; Consequentialism

Patrice BOUVET

« Le golf : un modèle opérationnel pour l’entreprise éthique».


Since the 1980s, the need for ethics has been growing steadily; however, incorporating ethics in business raises certain problems. In this work, our hypothesis is that the game of golf, an activity whose very existence is conditioned by the respect of certain fundamental ethical principles, can serve as an operational model for businesses concerned with ethics. The three aspects of this model are: ethics with regard to the law, ethics with regard to the environment and ethics with regard to individuals. These aspects are already featured in the reference material on ethics of certain major French companies which can be considered as forerunners of this operational model.


golf, modèle opérationnel, entreprise, éthique.


« Réflexions préliminaires pour une approche éthique de la gestion des organisations de microfinance».


Au cours des vingt dernières années, la microfinance a connu un développement important amenant certaines organisations à se professionnaliser et à croître de manière particulièrement spectaculaire. Aujourd’hui composé d’un grand nombre d’organisations, aux statuts divers et n’ayant pas toujours la même vision des choses, le secteur se trouve à une croisée des chemins où mener une réflexion sur les fondements éthiques des pratiques de gestion développées peut permettre de mieux percevoir les enjeux et les risques encourus. Les quelques réflexions développées ici s’inscrivent dans cette perspective.

Interviews / Entrevue

Comptes Rendus / Book Reviews

Numéro 5 (2): 2008



« Rationalité et embeddedness. La sensibilité écologique des consommateurs à l’école des conventions».


According to a canonical conception of rationality, consumers’ behavior results from given preferences. In environmental economics, the ecological sensibility of consumers so takes the shape of a green preference integrated into the utility function. Economics of conventions relaxes the hypothesis of substantial rationality by emphasizing on the plurality of reasons for action for the individuals. By underlining, from empirical studies, that the behavior of the agents is inflexible in a unique causal explanation (in terms of preferences), a conventionalist conception of the ecological sensibility will lean on the values claimed by the agents and the forms of justifications when it is question of concrete actions in favour of the environment.


rationalité, économie des conventions, sensibilité écologique des consommateurs, embededdness, don contre don


 A propos de l’actionnariat « détaché »”.


From a legal perspective, the membership in a business corporation is expressed through shares, and individual membership succession can in principle be achieved through a negotiable transaction. This has the effect that the interests of the corporation’s shareholders may be directed away from the enterprise activity to the shares, into which the corporation is divided. To illustrate this shift of interest, I characterize the membership in a business corporation as potentially “dispassionate”. Serving the financial interests of the “dispassionate” shareholder will be presented here as the modus operandi of the corporation. In this light, the attention that a company’s management must pay to the enrichment of shareholders depends on the importance of dispassionate shareholder support for the company’s activities. This perspective permits the introduction of new arguments in the CSR debate.


CSR; RSE; forme juridique; responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise; gouvernance d’entreprise; actionnaires; enrichissement


« Desert and Distributive Efficiency».


It is highly desirable for an allocation of goods to be efficient. However, one might also deem it important that an allocation gives individuals what they deserve. This paper investigates whether it is possible for an allocation to be both efficient and give people what they deserve. It will first of all consider comparative desert, and conclude that it is possible to satisfy both desiderata. It will then consider absolute desert by integrating Shelly Kagan’s work on desert and economic theory. The conclusion will be that there are potential conflicts between absolute desert and efficiency. The paper will then examine how to select the best compromise between the two values, considering several different conceptions of absolute desert.


Distributive Justice, Desert, Pareto Efficiency

Michel DION

« L’évolution de l’éthique des affaires aux États-Unis (1961-2002): la théorie institutionnelle en action»


In spite of the philosophical and theological traditions that make ethics and economy basically linked to each other, business ethics as a field of research is really born in USA at the end of ’60s. We have identified three historical periods in the evolution of business ethics in the United States: (1) the first steps in a basic concern for ethics, within the American business community (1961-1976); (2) the growing ethical concern in American large companies (1977-1990); (3) the governmental justification of any use of ethics for materialistic motives (1991-2002). In these three periods, we will present the most significant researches in business ethics, whether they adopted a descriptive, normative or analytic approach.


éthique des affaires, États-Unis, théorie institutionnelle

Comptes Rendus / Book Reviews


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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