
Numéro 6 (1): 2008


Jean-Marie DUFOUR

“Market failure, inequality and redistribution”.


We consider the following question: does market failure justify redistribution? We argue that the general answer to this question is no, in the sense that policies for correcting market failures do not aim at producing a «desirable» income distribution. This follows from the fact that, by construction, market failure is a deviation from «efficiency» that does not involve any notion of a desirable distribution of welfare (or income). However, there are special cases where a «corrective measure» involving redistribution can offset a market failure, so this can provide a form of efficiencybased justification for redistribution.


positive economics; normative economics; welfare economics; market failure; externality; taxation; social choice; public choice



« La relation attitude-comportement: un état des lieux».


The psychosocial definition of attitude is a mental state predisposing one to act in a certain manner when the situation implies the real or symbolic presence of the object of attitude, hence the recurring effort to evaluate this bond which exists between verbal answers and acts. The author presents three generations of work which approach the question of the consistency between attitude and behavior from different perspectives: those which conclude with a very weak relation, those which conclude with a moderated relation, those which highlight conditions necessary to the predictivity of the attitudes.


Attitude, behavior, prediction, act, relation.


« Analyse praxéologique et approche systémique».

ABSTRACT This presentation introduces the fundamental concepts of praxiological analysis and its relation to systems approach. The following topics are discussed in this paper: effectiveness and efficiency of action, work, human action and their design, teleological explanation, components of human action (realisers, purposes, evaluation criteria, tools, resources, circumstances, time, methods), methodological efficacy, axiological context of human action or praxiology and ethics.


decision making, design, human action, effectiveness, efficiency, ethics, praxiology, praxiological analysis, work


« La praxéologie comme grammaire chez Tadeusz Kotarbinski»


Tadeusz Kotarbinski’s philosophical development is astonishingly complete. From the very beginning of his work he showed interest in ethical questions, but he felt that before ha can answer them he needed to deal with several issues in the philosophy of language and action. He thought that a good theory of action (praxiology) constituted a necessary starting point for any future philosophy – without understanding action, we cannot understand what comes out of it. This article tries to sketch a few difficulties of this theory and to compare Kotarbinski’s conception to the one proposed by another important praxiologist, Ludwig von Mises.


Theory of action, praxiology, ethics, philosophy


« Pensée de l’acte et conseil de l’action: La perspective proudhonienne du travail industriel».


How does one guide action? By thinking it out well and completely so that, one says, it is good and fair since it conforms to reason. Thinking about the act itself imposes that it comes from within the subject of the action, sure of success, effective and efficient. Who can then assign the necessity of one’s act to a rational subject? The master-thinker who is the theoretician of action. Is the figure of the philosophical-adviser of action a component of all thinking about action? Can one escape this assimilation of the subject of the action and thinking about the act which transforms the advice into an order? This paper examines the philosophical elements of the illusion of advice. Does not Proudhon’s analysis on industrial work provide a means to overcome this epistemological obstacle?


action, act, thinking, advice, relation, cooperation, industry, justice

Interview / Entrevue

Damien BAZIN

Comptes Rendus / Book Reviews

François-Régis MAHIEU

Martha NUSSBAUM, Femmes et développement humain, l’approche par les capabilités, trad. C. Chapelain, Paris, Éditions Des Femmes, 2008, 442 p

Numéro 6 (2): 2009. Numéro spécial certification et développement durable


Mwanahewa, SANGO

Bribery: An Exploration of Uganda Perspectives


This is an investigation of the concept of bribery in a multicultural context. It is possible that the term and concept “bribery” do not exist in some African contexts. Uganda is taken as the example and centre for this discussion, and in particular Ankole. In order for both the term and concept to make sense, there is need for contextual definition and differentiation. Similarly the terms Ethics and Economic Policies need a contextual treatment. For instance, can Ethical Codes be universalised? The discussion suggests a shift from concentrating on the nature and impact of Ethics and Economics to the understanding of the contexts where they operate.


bribery; Uganda; multicultural context; public office.

Brugvin, THIERRY

Certification : le manque d’indépendance des audits privés


Certain transnational social movements militate for the respect of social and environmental norms, in particular in countries with low wages. To this aim, they have developed new instruments like labels and codes of conduct. These instruments are designed to support and reinforce the social and environmental regulation as well as its democratization on the international level. However, the privatization of the monitoring of social and environmental norms can undermine the economic independence of the auditors. Thus, this mode of regulation proves to contrary to its long-term objective: a social regulation framed by democratic public authorities. 


Social movment, regulation, gouvernance, privatisation, labels, Global Compact.

Diaz Piedregal, VIRGIENIE

Just Certification


Through the justice principles –equality, time, status, need, efficiency and worth– developed by Jon Elster, we show in this article how fair trade certification for producers is legitimatised by stakeholders. Based on a field investigation with coffee growers in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia and with fair trade organisations in the North (Max Havelaar/FLO, Andines and Artisans du Monde), the analysis firstly reviews just certification according to the impersonal criteria of “mechanical” justice, such as equality, time and efficiency. The second section looks at more individualised criteria such as the status, need and worth of the beneficiaries. Finally, it determines in what way fair trade is really a mixed bag, one which calls upon different principles of justice to justify what it is out to accomplish. The main result of the analysis is that fair certification granted to producer organisations is not being distributed according to a unique system of justice based on just one criterion. On the contrary, fair trade is a complex and hybrid bag that uses different components from each distribution procedure.


Fair trade, certification, principles of justice, Elster

Marie Gabrielle PIKETTY

Certification of community-based forest enterprises (CFEs): limits of the Brazilian experiences


The Brazilian Amazon is one of the world’s largest tropical forests. It supplies more than 80 % of Brazil’s timber production and makes this nation the second largest producer of tropical wood. The forestry sector is of major importance in terms of economic production and employment creation. However, the Brazilian Amazon is also known for its high deforestation rate and for its rather unsustainably managed timber resources, a fact which puts in the balance the long-term future of the forestry sector in the region. Since the mid1990s, with strong support from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the number of tropical forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has significantly increased. This is especially true for projects sponsored by large scale companies. The number of communitybased forest management projects has also increased. Certification of community-based forest enterprises (CFEs) was initially a goal for the sponsors and community members. Certification is viewed as a way to reach alternative timber markets. In Brazil, the state of Acre has the highest concentration of CFEs certified by FSC. Most of them have been implemented with the support of environmental NGOs and public funds. Environmental NGOs strongly defend the advantages of certification for communities; however, in reality, this option is not that advantageous. Despite all the efforts, the number of participants in each project remains low. Why is this occurring? In this paper, we analyze the underlying motives of a few individual’s participation in CFEs certification projects. We aim to present and discuss some factors that shape the success of CFEs and their later certification. The results are based on surveys conducted in two certified CFEs in the state of Acre.


Brazil, environmental certification, community-based forest management


La difficile prise en compte des inégalités socio-économiques par le commerce équitable: le cas du quinoa andin


This paper argues that fair trade schemes in the quinoa market of south Bolivia are not an effective instrument to reduce social inequalities. Beyond the façade of fair trade marks and labels, the reality of Bolivia points to an important way in which customer expectations are disappointed.


Bolivia, Fair Trade, Inequalities

Comptes Rendus / Book Reviews


ETHICS, ECONOMICS & COMMON GOODS, vol. 19, No. 1, enero-junio 2022, es una publicación semestral editada por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla A.C., calle 21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, C.P. 72410, Puebla, Puebla. Tel. (222) 2299400,

Editor responsable: Manuel Alejandro Gutiérrez González. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2022071213543400-102, ISSN en trámite, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, TSU María Guadalupe García Guerrero, Av. Pie de la Cuesta 2501, col. Nacional, fecha de última modificación, 30 de julio de 2022.


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